Best Tablets for Anime & Manga Creations

Are you looking for the best drawing tablets for Anime? If Yes, you are at the right site. Here we pick some of the best tablets for anime and manga creation in the market today.

The anime art style is one that many people are now a fan of and practicing this art style can help you enter a whole new world of creative expression. In order to maximize your skills in the art of anime, you need the right drawing tablet and the right software for creation. For reading manga online you can check out this post.

Listed below are some top-notch drawing tablets, the best the market has to offer, as well as information that can help you on your quest to find the perfect pc tablet for anime creation.

Best Tablets For Drawing Anime

The reviewed tablets below are the ones that caught out attention in terms of durability, performance, and price. These are the best in the market right now for any level of manga creator.

1. Wacom Intous Comic

Wireless Graphics Drawing Tablet

Wacom provides a variety of top-notch tabs that you can use for artistic purposes, but perhaps the best feature this tablet has to offer is that it can replace your mouse. You can hook your tab up to your computer and use it to draw whatever you feel like.

This tablet also comes with a suite of programs that you can use to create your very own comics, which can help you get the hang of the art style until you can make a manga.

2. Wacom Intous Tablet

Drawing tablet without screen

If you are looking for the sort of drawing tablet that offers you top-notch pressure sensitivity, this tab is perfect for you. It offers a whopping 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity, and its sleek design is truly a thing of beauty.

Aesthetics aside, the design also helps you by offering increased portability, although some have complained that this tablet is lacking in areas such as durability. Such features are always a give and take, though. Overall this tablet serves your needs nicely, especially if you want something that facilitates spontaneous bursts of inspiration.

3. Wacom Intous Art

Wacom Bamboo Tablet Review

Pressure sensitivity is so widely discussed when it comes to drawing tablets that people often forget the problems it can cause. For example, resting your hand on the tablet shouldn’t have an impact on your drawing. Your tablet should only be optimized for significant points of pressure.

This tablet by Wacom does just that, offering superior pressure sensitivity that is not impacted by wide surface areas. Spare nibs that are included in the asking price are a nice touch and can help you stay prepared in case the nib you were using gets damaged or is lost while in transit.

4. UGEE M708 Graphic Tablet

Anime Creator Drawing Tablet

There are a number of things that make this tablet one of the finest out there. One of these features is the fact it is perfectly usable for both right-handed and left-handed people. This is important because a lot of left-handed people often feel left out when it comes to things like drawing tablets.

There are also a number of hotkeys that give you easy access to a number of features, such as the eraser and brush changing options. These things are essential to making your graphics tablet experience the best it can be.

5. Huion 420 OSU Tablet

Best Huion Tablets

Compatible with a variety of operating systems, this tab excels at creating an artistic ecosystem that would allow you to thrive thanks to the diverse range of colors, brushes, layering, and vectors.

It is also quite a small tablet, but the screen size is optimized by providing you with a small bezel, thus increasing the amount of real estate you have to draw on without making the tablet bigger than it needs to be. This is an intelligent design that definitely makes this tab a great buy.

6. Huion H610 Pro

Drawing Tablet Under 100

The first thing you will notice when you start using this tablet is the stellar pressure sensitivity with a phenomenal 8196 levels of sensitivity available for you to take advantage of. This helps makes this tablet perfect for refined brushstrokes as well as more detailed designs that you might not be able to achieve if you were using a more old-school tablet with lower pressure sensitivity.

You will also enjoy the texture of the screen which is quite similar to paper, although a great deal firmer, which will help make it easier for you to increase detail in your art.

7. XP-Pen Deco 01

XP-Pen Drawing Tablet

Many find this tablet to be too bulky, but this gives you a great deal more room to experiment in. This is important because it allows you to create larger works of art that would test your abilities, which is very important if you want to be taken seriously by other artists that share your genre.

The screen is beautifully crafted as well. It is optimized for graceful brushstrokes and a high skill level but still accessible to people who still have a long way to go before attaining the said skill level.

8. Huion KAMVAS GT-191

Monitor Display Drawing

If you want something top-notch in terms of quality but fail to see the need to spend enormous amounts of money, this tab might just be what you need. It offers solid pressure sensitivity and a wide surface area but remains relatively portable.

The customizable hotkeys are a nice touch that can help you get all of the important areas of your artistic skill right at your fingertips, available at the push of a button! It comes with a slew of programs that you can use to create your masterpieces.

9. Simbans PicassoTab

Best For Drawing

Processing power is not something you would expect to find in most tablets, especially tablets that are ten inches in size. This tablet offers a solid processor, however, which would allow you to experiment with graphical output to an enormous extent.

This is a portable and durable tablet that may cost a pretty penny, but it is worth it when you see all of the features that are on offer. The 32 GB internal memory is also a nice touch since you will have so much work to save.

10. Turcom TS-6610

Best Turcom TS-6610 Tablet

When you pick this tablet, one of the first things you are going to notice is the fact that it is quite solid. This adds to the weight, thus making it less portable than it should be.

On the bright side, it will give you comfort, knowing that if you accidentally drop the tablet while using it, it is highly unlikely that it would sustain any serious damage. It also has an impressive display with adequate amounts of pressure sensitivity, an oft-overlooked aspect of tablets that makes a lot of options less than stellar for the budding anime artist.

Drawing Tablets vs Drawing Laptops

Drawing laptops are widely popular, and one of the primary reasons for that is the fact that they provide so much real estate. You can easily draw larger pieces of work that would help you better display the idea you had in your head. They would also give more room for your creativity to flow.

However, drawing tablets offer their own unique benefits, one of the most important of which is that they are incredibly portable. You can simply pull your tablet out wherever you are and get to work without requiring anything else. This is an advantage that arguably puts the tablet in the first place.

Features to Consider Before Buying a Tablet for Anime Creation

These are some basic features to look for when buying a table for manga creation.

Size of a Tablet

The tablet that you buy needs to be the right size and not just because this affects how easy it would be for you to carry it around. The overall size of the tablet affects things like screen size, and you need a good screen size if you want your drawings to be as great as they can be.

Larger tablets will give you more space to experiment in, although you should keep in mind the fact that the larger your tablet is, the less portable it is going to be. Still, larger tabs are definitely worth it because they help you make amazing art at the end of the day.

Stylus for Drawing Tablet

The stylus you get with your tablet plays an enormous role in how effective your tab remains. The important thing to note here is that there are various styluses you can get, from ones that have pokey tips that resembles pens to ones that look completely different. There are no objectively better styluses.

You just need to get something that would allow you to draw to your fullest potential without having to worry about things like your wrist aching or other similar problems that arise from styluses that are less suited to your style.

Pressure Sensitivity

One major drawback of a lot of drawing tablets is that they often don’t have as much pressure sensitivity as a real-life pen and paper. Hence, you need to get a tab that offers you the same level of pressure sensitivity or, at the very least, something that would allow you to come close to that level of control. The more pressure sensitivity you get, the better.

There is no upper limit that you should be wary of when it comes to this particular feature. Try to get a tab that has the highest pressure sensitivity, although you should keep other features in mind as well.


No matter how good your tab is, it is simply not going to be of much use to you if it is not compatible with the computer you are using.

Make sure you get a tab that is compatible with multiple devices. You don’t know when you might change the device you are using and opt for something that is a little different. You wouldn’t want your tab to become obsolete if such a thing happens, so you need to plan for that in advance.


This is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of anime drawing tablets when most people are looking to buy one. This is probably because most people only care about how good their drawings end up looking, but the fact of the matter is that portability is paramount because it will help you stay prepared for artistic emergencies.

You never know when something can inspire you to draw, and you need to be ready for such situations if they ever end up arising. Try to get something lightweight so that you don’t have to compromise on the size of your tablet.


A lot of people assume that the more expensive a tablet is, the better it is going to be. This is true to some extent, as incredibly cheap tablets are probably not going to be of much use. It is also important to note that some of the more wildly expensive tablets are not all that great either.

Expensive tablets usually rely on gimmicks to justify their inordinate price tag. If you are the sort of person who is serious about the art they make, you need to avoid gimmicks at all costs and go for top-notch tablets that are usually mid-range as far as price is concerned.


If you buy a tablet for comic creation, you are going to be taking it with you pretty much wherever you go.

Hence, your tablet needs to be not only portable but durable as well. This is because the more you travel with something on your person, the more likely you are to drop it or drop something on it. Try to get a tablet that is durable so that it can take any rough treatment you might inadvertently end up giving it.

However, make sure this doesn’t make the tablet too heavy to use; you still need it to be portable. Try to find a nice balance between the two.


The more you work on your tablet, the more you will find that your wrists get very tired indeed while you are drawing. This is a nuisance because it can prevent you from practicing as much as you want.

This is where ergonomics comes into play, especially in terms of the longevity of your artistic abilities. You can’t create art if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, so it is important to prepare yourself by getting a tab that takes at least some of the strain off your wrist.


Each tablet that you get is going to come with specific software that you can use to create your works of art. People get so mixed up in the hardware portion of the tablet that they forget that software matters too. You need to get something with a great interface as well as stellar usability that makes the tablet relatively simple to figure out.

The software also needs to provide you with options in terms of layers as well as pre-installed models that you can work with when you need a direction for your art.

Visual Output

No matter how good of an artist you are, at the end of the day, you are going to have a tough time making something that you are truly proud of until you have a tablet that has a top-notch visual output.

The screen should show you exactly what you have made with vibrant colors that stand out immensely and help you make the most of the piece you are working on. A lot of tablets skimp out in this department. It is up to you to avoid them and only go for tablets that would truly help you hone your craft.

Do You Need a Drawing Tablet For Comic?

Drawing tablets are becoming increasingly popular, but they are a new advancement in an age-old art form. Drawing used to be done on a variety of different mediums, with paper obviously being the most popular. Many prefer drawing on paper to drawing on a tablet, so it begs the question: are drawing tablets for anime even worth it?

Suffice it to say that there are many perks associated with drawing tablets, which is why they have become so popular in the first place. Listed below are some benefits that are commonly associated with using drawing tablets for comic:

Undo Mistakes

If you are drawing on a piece of paper, canvas or any other physical medium, one mistake could potentially mean you have to start over. This is a non-issue when it comes to tablets. All you have to do is undo the last thing you did, and you will be left with something you can move on from without having to redo the whole thing.

This gives you more room to experiment and try new things. If you don’t like the direction you are going in, you could always go back a few steps and move on from there.

Save Your Work

Nothing is more annoying than your hard work getting damaged in some way. With a tablet, you can save your works in progress in a space where no one can touch them. This is a huge boon because you now no longer have to stay mired in anxiety when you have kept a work in progress in a place where it could get damaged or ruined in some way.

Now, you can even keep your work with you wherever you go. As a result, you can continue your work as soon as inspiration strikes rather than having to go home and continue. This would even increase your productivity.

More Portable

Sketching pads are fairly portable, but there is also the fact that if your sketching pad gets wet, all your drawings within it are probably ruined. Your tablet getting wet might result in your tablet breaking down, but your drawings are going to be safe and sound where no one can do anything to them.

You can also store as many drawings as you wish and carry them with you, which isn’t possible with sketching pads since there are only so many sheets of paper you can carry at one point in time.

Less Physically Taxing

When you are using a pencil on a piece of paper, there is a lot of friction that just isn’t there when you are using a stylus on a smooth screen. This is an oft-overlooked benefit of drawing tablets, which should definitely be looked into if you want to protect your wrists from the ever-looming specter that is carpal tunnel syndrome.

You are also going to be able to draw for longer periods of time without your wrist getting sore, which can help you improve a lot faster than would have been the case otherwise.

Wider Range of Uses

Instead of carrying around a bunch of different brushes and pencils, with a tablet, all you need is the tab itself as well as a stylus that would allow you to get the job done. You can use pretty much any pencil or brush style since the animation software you are using is probably going to have it pre-installed.

As a result, tablets are a lot more versatile than real-life sketching pads or other physical means of creating your anime-style drawings.


Are Drawing Tablets Better Than Regular Tablets?

Drawing tablets are also known as graphics tablets and are generally considered to be separate from regular tablets. This means that they provide different features that you would not get from a simple tablet.

Many people claim that drawing tablets are inferior to regular tablets because they don’t offer things like e-reading, social media or general entertainment, at least not as well as regular tablets do. That being said, they certainly do offer a lot more than you might think in terms of how well they help you make your art, which is obviously more important for an artist.

Here are some reasons why drawing tablets are better than regular tablets:

Specialized Sensitivity

A regular tablet has been optimized for use by your finger, whereas graphics tablets are optimized for usage with a stylus. This means that you will have a more pressure-sensitive surface to play around with, which would help you create works of art a lot more than a regular tablet would.

This definitely gives drawing tablets an edge as far as the needs of an artist are concerned. After all, you are getting your tablet for your art, not for mere entertainment!

Specialized Software

You might be able to download apps that can help you draw on regular tablets, but these apps aren’t nearly as effective, precise or versatile as the software that you are getting with your drawing tablet. It is essential to notice the benefits that these programs provide.

They have a lot of features that are unique, which you won’t find on regular apps because they would make the file size too big. Since these tools come pre-installed, the file size is no longer an issue and you end up with a lot more capabilities.

Optimized Notes

Graphics tablets are created to be the center of all creative expression for artistically inclined individuals. Hence, with a drawing tablet, you would be able to make notes regarding the piece you are working on, which could potentially help you take your work further than ever before.

This is something that regular tablets don’t offer, at least not to the extent that drawing tablets do because the latter has been streamlined for use by a specific audience rather than being optimized for mass use by a variety of different people.

Why You Should Buy a Tablet for Comic Book Design?

If you are thinking of creating anime, manga or regular comic books, a tablet is essential because it helps you create work in a stress-free environment wherever you are. You will no longer have to carry supplies everywhere you go.

Instead, you can simply take your tablet with you and it will have everything you could possibly need. This will help you work a lot more and in more comfortable environments. It will also help you experiment because you can revert to previous versions if the experimentation ends up being something you decide against using in the final version of your piece.

Are Digital Comics Better Than Ordinary Comics?

As we move ever forward into the digital age, all of the analog classics are slowly being turned into digital variants of the same thing. This has sparked a debate regarding whether digital comics are better than ordinary comics. The fact of the matter is that they are both the same thing to an extent.

However, ordinary comics can be ruined through rather mundane threats such as water or heat. That being said, they do provide nostalgia value and make great collectors’ items as well, so it is fair to say that they are not completely obsolete and probably never will be.

How Much Is a Drawing Tablet?

The price of a tablet is up to you how much you spending on your next tablet. Tablets for drawing come with a lot of features to fulfil designer needs like runs Illustrator, Corel, and other heavy software.

These tablets cost from $50 to $1000. If you are a professional anime creator then you must go for a professional-level tablet which never stuck while drawing.

Final Words

You are now prepped and ready for your foray into the world of anime-style comic books. The tablets mentioned above will help you take a great leap forward, which could help you skip several steps on your road to artistic success.

Keep the buyer’s guide in mind when you are shopping for a tablet and peruse our list of the best tablets because the products contained therein truly are some of the best that the industry has to offer.

By James Klett

James Klett a senior editor at GeekyMag focused on computer hardware and gadgets, offers a wide range of information in this field. Have a question, need some help, or want to give your opinion? Drop us a comment below!

4 replies on “Best Tablets for Anime & Manga Creations”

Thank you for your article , it’s useful .

So, I had a Huion H610 Pro, it was my first tablet and I had it for almost 1 year, but recently I lost the pen and I cant buy one where I live so I would have to buy it online, like I did with my tablet. So instead of that, I decided to just buy a better one.

Wacom Cintiq Display Tablets are too expensive for me, so I was looking at the XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro, which I’ve heard is called the cheapest screen tablet. in my opinion the Artist 12 Pro was decent, but I also dont have experience with other graphic tablets, so do you have any experiences with it .

thank you in advance .

Yes you can go for XP-Pen Artist 12 Pro it is far better and also it may fall in your budget. So its best to go for it.

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