8 Tips To Improve Your Home Wi-Fi Signal – Definitive Guide

Wireless connections have changed the way we operate these days. In the past, the internet was only accessible via Ethernet cables, which would connect the modem to your laptop or PC. But now, with the help of wireless technology, you can connect multiple devices to a single internet connection with the aid of a router.

Wireless technology has enabled us to enjoy our freedom and still be able to connect to the internet. There is no more need for wires anymore. You can connect ten devices to the internet at a time with the help of a router.

Great, right? Well, if you are here, then you already have a wireless internet connection at home. But are you suffering from a weak or broken signal? Or is the speed not as it used to be? Are you facing any dead zones in your home?

If you are facing any one of the problems mentioned above, then you have come to the right spot. There is only one solution to all of the issues discussed above, and that is to improve your home Wi-Fi. So we are going to be looking at some of the best tips to improve your Wi-Fi. So continue reading to find out more.

Understand The Concept of Wi-Fi and How it works?

Before we jump into the tips, you must understand how the Wi-Fi works. In the past, internet access via wires, and it still is. The internet set up at your home is also accessible with the help of Ethernet cables. You might remember that the first time you got the package from your ISP, it came with a modem and a router.

The modem is the primary device that receives the signal from the ISP. It decodes the signal is a universal language which is understandable by all the other devices. The modem then connected with the router via an Ethernet cable.

The router is, in actual the device that packed with wireless technology. Once it receives the signal from the modem, it converts it into multiple radio signals. These radio signals then transmitted via the antenna attached to the router in the surrounding environment. These radio signals are what you call Wi-Fi.

But since the antenna attached to the router comes with a limited range, thus it is only able to transmit the signal within a limited range. Areas that fall close to the limit experience the weakest signals, whereas the areas that fall outside its scope are known as dead zones.

Sometimes to cover the dead zones or enhance the performance at the vast ends, you might need boosting devices, but in most cases, simple tricks can help you solve the problems. So let us look at them now.

How Can You Improve Your Home’s Wi-Fi?

The most common ways in which you can improve your home’s Wi-Fi. Investing in a boosting device should always be the last option. So try these tips and tricks first, and if they don’t work, then you can always invest in a boosting device.

1. A Good Spot

The antenna of the router transmits signals in 360 degrees direction. It always best to place the router. But, if you are facing any dead zones where you would like to get access, then move the router close to that location to enjoy maximum coverage in the area.

2. Keep Your Router Updated

Most people stick to the internet connections of years. Sticking to your ISP is a good thing, but using the same old router that you were very using five years ago isn’t. It is always best to stay up to date so that you can enjoy the benefits of the latest technology. Most new routers come with extra coverage and faster speed, which helps cover large houses.

3. Get a Stronger Antenna

If you believe that your router is working correctly, then you can always stick to it for speed. But when it comes to coverage, you need a more robust antenna that transmits the radio signals with additional strength and speed to cover more geographical location. You can always add a booster to your router as well to improve its speed and coverage.

4. Cut Off Wi-Fi Leeches

Sometimes, your neighbors might be stealing your Wi-Fi without you even knowing. When more users connected to a single Wi-Fi, it can affect the speed and performance of your Wi-Fi. It is best to set up some security measures in your router settings, such as WEP and WAP, to cut the intruders.

5. Change Wi-Fi Channel

If you live in a densely populated area, then your signals might intercept by your neighbor’s Wi-Fi signals. Signals transmitted from other wireless devices in the surroundings can impact the speed and performance of the Wi-Fi. Those signals can cause the router’s channel to change, which can affect its performance.

There are two ways to overcome this problem. Firstly, invest in a high-quality router that automatically selects the least congested channel for you to connect too. Secondly, choose the best channel from your system’s Wi-Fi settings or manually from the router’s administrator interface.

6. Control Bandwidth

Your bandwidth might be the underlying problem behind the slow performance of your Wi-Fi. In most cases, homeowners get limited bandwidth from their ISP. Thus, in case you are running high-end applications or downloading large files, your speed can be affected since your bandwidth is limited; therefore, you will only receive a limited amount of data.

It is best to contact your ISP and ask about your bandwidth. Inquire how changing it a bit can help with the speed and the performance. You can get 100 Mbps and more today so, why not enjoy it? The more the bandwidth, the better the Wi-Fi’s performance!

7. Don’t Forget to Reboot

Often, the simplest solution to your hardware problems is a simple reboot. Sometimes, devices get a bit out of proportion in terms of software and hardware. The issue isn’t with the equipment but with the software that gets disproportioned overuse. A simple reboot would help you get everything to the default settings so that you can experience and enjoy the same initial performance.

8. Buy a Wi-Fi Repeater/ Booster/ Extender

If none of those mentioned above tips come in handy, it is time for you to invest. In some cases, the surface area of your house is just too big for one router to cover. Thus, to avoid all the dead zones and enhance the performance of your router, it is necessary to invest in a boosting device. You can either go with a repeater, booster, or extender based on your requirements.

Final Words

Often we tend to invest in extenders, boosters, or repeaters to improve the Wi-Fi performance, but there isn’t a need for them in all cases. Sometimes the problem is with the existing connection, and with just a few tips and tricks up your sleeve; you can fix it all by yourself.  All the tips mentioned above are the best ways in which you can improve the performance of your Wi-Fi at home. Try a few of them to solve the underlying problem. We hope that they help improve the performance of your Wi-Fi!

By James Klett

James Klett a senior editor at GeekyMag focused on computer hardware and gadgets, offers a wide range of information in this field. Have a question, need some help, or want to give your opinion? Drop us a comment below!

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